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Posts Tagged ‘2008

I Wish I Were…

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You fill in the blanks…We’ve all said it with varying degrees of sincerity.  Examples of your completion to the sentence:

  • X pounds lighter
  • more financially secure
  • better looking
  • Y years younger
  • More/less this or that

Where do these thoughts come from?  They come from a damaged view of self  borne out of days, months, years of lies being whispered to us by the enemy of our soul.  It has been stated that the greater frequency with which lies are heard, the more likely they are to be perceived as truth.

As we entire a time of reflection in our transition into the new year, I want to challenge you with 5 questions that may provoke some thought (and action) to make 2009 a better year for each of us.

Here are the questions:

  1. What lies have you decided to embrace about yourself?
  2. What are you doing to sabotage yourself to make the lies appear more true to/about you?
  3. When are you going to get angry enough to begin disputing those lies?
  4. What are some things you can begin doing that align with/demonstrate the truth of who/what God says you are (becoming)?
  5. What things are you willing to do in 2009 to become (and remain) more like Him than you were in 2008?

As we arrive at our destination in 2009, let us release the baggage we carried there, and pick up the truths and supporting actions of who God called us to be so that our lives are congruent with how He sees us.

“Also the weapons of the fool are evil; he thinks of wicked ways to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaks right. But the noble thinks noble things; and by noble things he shall stand.” (Isaiah 32:7-8)

Modern King James Version, copyright © 1962-1998 by Jay P. Green, Sr. All rights reserved.

Pastor Andy Logan

All Nations Word and Worship Center

Written by aplogansr

December 31, 2008 at 7:24 am

New Year’s Resolutions

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Uh-oh, it’s time for New Year’s resolutions again. Whether or not one actually makes resolutions or not, January brings a time of reflection and examination to a large number of people. “Next year I’ll save more and spend less”. “I’m determined to lose that extra 20 or more pounds I’ve been lugging around”. We’ve all heard these (maybe even said them).

Perhaps during our time of introspection, we should consider a different approach. Should we identify and pursue personal or career goals on our own without so much as even a passing thought about what God may want us to accomplish in the coming year? Broaching this topic almost throws down the gauntlet for theological debate about whether or not God speaks to people nowadays.

Moving past the assumption that God speaks to people today, perhaps it’s time we asked Him what He had for us in the year ahead, and then listened as He shared His thoughts about it. For some, this would be unsettling because it is so uncommonly done.

Allow me to give an example.

Having been dissatisfied at times, frustrated at other times with the actions and reactions of some church attendees during worship, I began asking the Lord why they didn’t understand worship. Lamenting with Him, I remarked to Him, “They just don’t know what they’re missing out on”. To my surprise He replied, “Why don’t you tell them? Write a book about worship explaining the benefits”. I quickly reminded Him that there were already quite a number of books about worship (as though He didn’t already know that). Then His pearl of an idea came to illustrate the various forms and methods used, and the after-effects which precipitated.

I won’t detail the mechanics of how the book came together, other than to say there was a time of research, and then a time of composition. In order to take advantage of discounts available with my publisher, I developed a schedule which allowed for the completion of a chapter a week with time at the end for proofreading. As I began the process of actually writing these chapters, I suddenly found myself at a place where I was taking dictation from the Lord and it was being received almost too fact for me to collect in written form. Within a few short weeks, the book was sent to the publisher and a few months later it was published and made available for sale with major online book retailers.

My point is that if I had not talked with God about what plans He had for me or about worship, the book “Plugging Into Real Worship” wouldn’t have happened. I still find it a little humorous that God would ask a person who read less than six books cover to cover in high school to write a book

Whether you’re interested in worship or music or not, “Plugging Into Real Worship” allows a look into hearts, minds and actions of people who love God and long for Him as well as His interaction with them as they go about their day-to-day existence.

If you want different results in 2009, do something you haven’t done in years prior. Invite God into your life and connect with Him regularly. If you will be quiet, He will show you and you’ll know He’s God.

Written by aplogansr

December 30, 2008 at 6:52 pm